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I am a full-stack engineer without a formal university education or a computer science degree. Despite not having pursued traditional academic paths, I have devoted my lifetime to continuous learning. My diverse interests include photo and video editing, mathematics, physics, playing video games, engaging in real-life football, and maintaining a regular workout routine. The following pages aim to showcase some of my acquired knowledge and experiences.

Where are You from?

I was born in Kokand, Uzbekistan πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Ώ.

Where do You live?

Currently I live in Warsaw, Poland πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±.

What languages do You know?

Uzbek is my native language. My English and Russian language skills are at a professional level.

Do You have a CS degree or related one?

No, I am a full self taught programmer.

What's your operating system of choice?

My choice of OS is Linux with that being said I used to use Windows for a long period of time and MacOS is a Unix-like OS so using all of them won't be a problem.

What's your web stack?

OS: Unix-like OS.
Databases: SQL and NoSQL.
Back-End: C++ / PHP / Python / JavaScript.
Front-End: HTML / CSS / JavaScript.
(Every framework / library based on the mentioned languages can be included in my stack.)

What kind of environment would You like to work in?

Ideal place for me is where I am surrounded by creative minds, different thinkers who can think out of the box and push the limits and most important a place with positive vibes! I think these attributes are the definition of success and allow new ideas to come to live with ease.

Would You like to work remotely or in an office?

Each of the options has pros and cons. I personally like working from home, especially when it comes to creating software. As long as we have electricity, internet connection and a laptop we can work from anywhere in the world. With that being said, when it comes to communicating with people I prefer to have a conversation in real life, physically close and most importantly eye to eye contact. In the end of the day it depends and we choose what benefits more for the people.

Are You allowed to work in X country?

General speaking, I'm allowed to work remotely anywhere in the world.

Can You fix printers?

No! Yes but Nooo!!!

My Journey
It all began in the summer of 2012 when I got my first computer and got hooked on playing video games. I started dreaming of creating my own game, and that's when my journey started. Since I didn't have any teachers, relatives, or friends who knew programming, Google Search and YouTube became my best buddies. In that year, I stumbled upon Java and crafted a simple "Snake" game that ran on the command line. However, I faced a couple of issues - firstly, Java wasn't my forte, and secondly, managing my time became a challenge as I was still engrossed in playing video games. This made me question whether making games was worth my time, fearing it might be a source of wasting precious moments. Eventually, I decided to shift my focus. Around that time, "Facebook" was gaining popularity with its simple idea of "Connecting People". Inspired by their concept, I sought to improve it by filling in some missing pieces. Once again, Google Search and YouTube came to my rescue. I delved into PHP, the language of choice for website building in 2012. I liked PHP, learned its syntax, and began cloning "Facebook" from scratch. Creating a social network brought forth new challenges. While I had never worked with databases before, social networks revolved around data. I had to learn how to store, access, update, and delete data, leading me to MySQL. I also picked up HTML, CSS, and simple Vanilla JS to make my website visually appealing. In the midst of this, I developed a commercial static website, marking my first income while still in college. Web development opened new doors, introducing me to different programming languages and challenges. I ventured beyond PHP, exploring C/C++, Assembly, NodeJS, and Python. Desktop apps caught my interest, prompting me to consider integrating my website into a desktop application. When I needed a break from coding, I turned to Photoshop, making it my second significant interest. Although I was fascinated by video editing, my PC lacked the power for high-performance tasks, leading me to postpone that field for the future. Web development remained my primary focus. At that time, I didn't know the terms Front-End or Back-End; I just built things to make them work. I experimented with Python's Flask and liked its speed for project completion, even though it didn't offer the best performance on production. I also tried NodeJS for the back-end, finding it smooth but disliking JavaScript as a back-end language. I embraced every new trend, from Vue and React to Cordova for Mobile and Electron for Desktop. And this is my "Journey To Programming."
Huge Thanks!

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